Monday 14 July 2008

A little Harp music / Cerddoriaeth o'r delyn

On Monday the 16th June, most residents and a welcome group of the Friends of Bodlondeb were treated to a harp recital by a young lady who is training at the famous Gregynog Hall, Tregynon, thanks to the benevolence of sisters Gwendoline and Margaret Davies, who donated their magnificent home for this purpose.

Harriet Earis, the young harpist, was a credit to Gregynog and she not only played a variety of tunes, she also talked about the pieces she played, which included some interesting information.

She ended her session with a generous invitation for the members of the audience to experience trying to handle the harp strings. We would like to offer our sincere thanks to her and her companion who travelled with her. We wish them well.

Ar ddydd Llun yr 16eg o Fehefin, daeth trigolion Bodlondeb a grŵp o'r Ffrindiau Bodlondeb at ei gilydd i glywed cyngerdd gan fenyw ifanc yn canu'r delyn. Mae hi'n cael ei ddysgu mewn lle enwog, sef Neuadd Gregynog, Tregynon, a'i cafodd ei rhoi fel canolfan dysgu cerddoriaeth gan chwiorydd Gwendoline a Margaret Davies.

Chwaraeodd Harriet Earis, y delynores ifanc, amrywiaeth o ganeuon ar gyfer y delyn. Siaradodd hi hefyd am y darnau – roedd y wybodaeth hon yn ddiddorol iawn.

Caeodd hi'r sesiwn gyda gwahoddiad i'r gynulleidfa cael profiad o ganu'r delyn gan dynnu'r tannau. Hoffem roi ein diolch iddi hi a'i ffrind a ddaeth gyda hi. Bob hwyl iddynt.

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